We are a friendly, members only metal detecting club based in Swindon. We arrange regular digs to permissions in the Wiltshire and Gloucestershire areas-mainly on Sundays with occasional midweek digs when conditions allow.
As we are a National Council of Metal Detecting affiliated club (NCMD) members must have NCMD membership. The NCMD provides insurance cover and represents our hobby to government.
We hold monthly social evenings in Swindon when members show finds and there is a Find of The Month competition, raffle and occasional historical talks.
As metal detecting has become a popular pastime and to ensure we keep the number of people and cars visiting our farms to reasonable levels, we keep club membership to a maximum of 30.
Members are expected to regularly detect with us, attend monthly club meetings and follow our constitution and the NCMD Code of Conduct.
We are not currently taking on any new members and have an extensive waiting list.